skate journal: dog park with garrett and joe (oct 3, 2021)

After working 12+ hours on a Saturday I slept in, did some chores, nursed a bit of a hangover. Mid afternoon I met Joe and Garrett at dog park. It was a nice afternoon. I didn’t feel too good on my board initially or ever, but I mostly skated hard. Joe started out with hardflips and front 50s the tallest bar in the park. So gnarly. Garrett flowed around like he do. He went in on front tail kickflip out over the manny pad and would never quite get it. He did get crooks to fakie over it though, followed by switch manual. I skated alright, definitely the most regular pushing I’ve done and it kinda hurt after a while. Had some crooks, halfcab noseslides, front 50s on the taller manny pad, 3/50 on nose manuals, close to kick back 50s, almost landed a nollie bigflip in front of Garrett, did some weird f/s halfcab noseslide things (I say things because they were more like kickturns with my nose scraping the ledge), came remotely close to crooks shove, some slow back 50s, didn’t get far in the flip trick bag, had lots of fun fs slappies. Garrett filmed me at the end as shown above. I had gotten really tired.

(setup null 8.25 glenosaur, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.2 awake lows with 3 washers inside each axle, venom 91a bushings both washers, 1/16 riser, spitfire f4 99a 53mm classic shape, new balance numeric 212 cream size 12 with 272 insoles)
(pain level 3/10 achilles/heel pain right foot)