skate journal: campus it’s been a while (dec 14, 2021)

On a pretty nice night I went to campus for the first time in months. I was armed with high top shoes in hopes that maybe that is what it would take to help the achilles. It may have helped, but we’ll see in the long run. I struggled through a couple slappy crooks then went down the little sidewalk towards the underpass. It was crazy skating even a little hill, it’s been too long. Add in lots of gravel from winter and it was a little scary. I ended up at the new business area and randomly chose to warm up on a little median doing various nose/tail stall variations that didn’t involve popping. It was pretty fun, I tried to front 270 out of a few ‘nollie’ front tails and they felt pretty doable. I did a couple that didn’t count at all, but still felt fun. I started getting kickflips and fakie flips. Oh yeah, I had put high trucks on to make things weird. Then I went in on trying to front 180 the little median. The other side was a slight drop into a slight bank. I would never get it. I committed a few times, but had no pop. It was a bummer, but luckily I had gotten a couple basic flippers to ease the pain. I went around the corner to the brightly lit tall wood benches and man they felt tall. I only got noseslide barely. Then I tried a line of switch 180, boardslide the long curb, ollie a manhole, front nose a bench. The front nose was the worst one ever done. The manhole ollies were terrible too. I was leaving when I noticed some tables had been cleared from a concrete ledge which looked inviting. Did a line of front 180 up a little step, switch back 180 on flat, noseslide to fakie. So I skated pretty terrible, but being out in the streets felt good so it was mostly fun.

(setup null 8″ burnout stumpy, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.2 v-hollow highs bones medium bushings, boardycakes 49.99mm round ups 2 washers inside, new balance numeric 440 high b/w size 12)
(pain level 3/10)