skate journal: berthoud park with a fun crew (feb 20, 2022)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on February 20th, 2022 by corpo

On a nice day after breakfast with Liz Saul and I rolled to Berthoud. We had planned on meeting Mike and Skelly, but were surprised to also see Allan, Garret, Julian, Kyle and more. It was a rad crew. I had switched to Aces and while they were fun and carved good I could not find a good pop with them. Mike and Saul were in the bowl to start mostly. I tried some noseslides. Really wanted to do noseslide to fakie then switch front nose, but never got the two. Couldn’t get treflip flyout either. Mike was doing no comply up the euro. Saul and I got grinds on the weird bank wall. I had some fun grinds around a mellow corner in the bowl. Allan still carves fast. Julian is a ball of energy hopping up and down everything. Garrett is such a treat to watch and was in ATV mode. Skelly had some good one foots and little pops. Yeah not a whole lot to mention but it was a fun session for sure.

(setup null 8.3 smoke valley, jessup ultragrip, ace 55 af1, spitfire f4 99a tablet, new balance numeric 440H b/w size 12)
(pain level 6/10 achilles arghghghgh)

skate journal: valmont/dog park saturday (feb 19, 2022)

Posted in Skate Journal on February 20th, 2022 by corpo

On a nice Saturday morning Kevin and Cass showed up and we rolled to dog park. It was really wet. So we swept and squeegeed for awhile then went over to the park as it dried. There was a birthday party with like 20 little girls on bikes. It was kind of hilarious, super frustrating and scary watching them slam into each other trying to make it up quarterpipes. I had motivational issues, but would get a fun line of manual the top of the bank then bs flip on the pointy weird bank/qp. Cass had gotten front shove, kickflip and treflip over the hip. Kevin some long lines through the kids.

Sean had shown and didn’t even bother going to the park. He just went right to the dog park and was doing more squeegeeing. I slammed super hard on a nose manual attempt and pretty much never recovered. I was so depressed. I had done a few ultra basics, but that is it. Kevin, Cass and Sean went in on the picnic table. Sean did back 5-0 front 180 and back nosegrind 180. Kevin got super close to nosegrind shove. Cass was close to front nose bigspin. Lots of 303 dudes had shown up which was cool. Devin’s pop is unreal. See their clips below.

(setup 8.25 null jack, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.2 low royal bushings flat top bushing, 51mm spitfire f4 101a classic shape 3 washers inside, new balance numeric 288S white size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 4/10 achilles so sick of it)