skate journal: denver park, denver squarehouse, dinosaur jr! (feb 26, 2022)

Went to Denver park because we heard it was partially dry and we didn’t know what else would be dry in Denver. It ended up being pretty fun. It was Joe, Eric, Cass and me and it wasn’t too crowded. We basically skated the front ledge area the whole time. We were subjected to local yocals doing handstands and riding snowboards. I took quite a bit to get going, but would eventually get little front 50s, front 50 shove and the Joe Hamilton aka front 50 front board pop out. Joe would get a lot of his normal lip to 50, front smith, combos as well as boardslide the S rail. Eric managed to not die rolling through a snowy bank. Cass had some good tailslides on the bump to ledge. We played a game of SKATE that didn’t go well for me or Cass and I got super mad losing on a helipop.

Then we went to the Denver Squarehouse. Brian hooked it up! We are all in mega debt to him. It was a difficult place for me to skate though. I think it literally took me the entire session to get warmed up and able to skate it. I would finally get a front disaster then b/s flip on the bank. Got some flyout kickflips that felt good and ended the session with a very slow front 50 that was not easy. Eric was in pain and I didn’t see him skate much other than some jams to fakie. Kevin shredded. Had some kickflip flyouts, a line involving nollie flip on the bank, front disaster low to high, some other stuff. Cass had bigspin over the hip right away then hurt his foot somehow. Joe ripped it, kickflip fakie, fakie flip, halfcab flip on the bank. Fun session.

Then we went to Dinosaur Jr and it ruled! Great day.

(setup 8.3 null esher, jessup ultragrip, royal 144, spitfire 52mm f4 99a classic shape two washers inside, new balance numeric 288S white size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 4/10)