skate journal: super nice afternoon at dog park (march 3, 2022)

On a super nice day I managed to leave work at a decent time and get to dog park. It wasn’t too crowded surprisingly and there were even a couple older dudes at the start. I did a couple rock ‘n rolls on the low part of the barrier then some slappies to get the legs going. I didn’t skate great or bad, just kinda in the middle. Couldn’t get nose manual again, made myself finally try some nosegrinds on the medium pad, but was never too close. I hucked for awhile and it was fun. Got close to kickflip back 50 and remotely close to kickflip crooks. Got the most basic of flippers and stalled out when it came to fakie bigflip and treflip. I think I’m over the big hefty setup. Time to lighten the pop a little, but still stick with the big board.

(setup 8.5 null smoke valley, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.8 ti axle royal bushings, spitfire 52mm f4 99a classic shape, new balance numeric 288S grey size 11.5 440 insoles)
(pain level 3/10 some knee and achilles pain but man the achilles is finally doing somewhat better again!)