skate journal: dog park marathon with a huge crew (april 16, 2022)

For once a later session was planned. Noon at dog park. And it was quite cold out in the morning so that worked out well. I arrived early and was surprised to see Sean, Jack and Riley already skating dog park. It was Rob’s birthday, he’s pretty low key about it but I think everyone still at least said happy bday. Kevin, Jake, Dave were also there. Hayden, Bo would come too. It was a long session. Dave, Riley and I started with a few laps around the concrete pump track then went to the official pump track. It’s quite rough and we did a couple laps. I didn’t last long at Valmont park before heading over to dog park. I had two goals for the day. Kickflip up the C ledge finally and a couple halfcab heels. Warming up was going alright for me doing normal tricks and I was getting close to the kickflip up when Jake suggested a game of SKATE. Got it next try. Was quite happy. Game of SKATE was Dave, Jake, Bo, Riley and me. No surprise Riley won. And I think he only had S. It was fun though a good warm up and I didn’t get letters on too many tricks I can normally land. It was pretty crowded in there. Riley, Jack, Sean all killing it. Jack fakie tre wallie world. Riley fakie shove manual anything. Sean was trying to front nose the upper deck. Man there really was so much going on I can’t even begin to remember all of it. I never got any halfcab heels, but was close. Near the end I tried a bunch of halfcab crooks again. Was close. Saw Jake do some nollie back tails. Dave killing full metal jacket. Rob lining out his moves. I somehow didn’t see Kevin skate much and he had hurt his wrist.

We went to a nearby spot where I rolled down a weird wood bank a few times then filmed the Nullers do a million tricks into/out of it. Fun day!

(setup 8.25 null spanbauer night skate deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.2 lows no big washer, spitfire 52mm f4 99a classic shape 3 rings inside, new balance numeric 288s grey size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 3/10)