skate journal: 10 flip tricks struggles (may 10, 2022)

Went out after dinner to the side of the school determined to land 10 flip tricks. A brief warm up then went in. Kickflip, fakie flip. Halfcab flip took a bit. Was 2/2 on b/s flips. Tried a bunch and I mean a BUNCH of f/s halfcab heels and could not get one. It was so frustrating and I totally blame the Vans. Got a good feeling f/s halfcab flip at least followed by first try varial flip and I thought I’d roll through these 10 tricks. But I was stalled out at 6 for a long time. I couldn’t get heelflip or fakie bigflip for quite a while, but would get them both. I landed on and almost rode away from nollie varial flip, regular varial flip and fakie varial flip but could not get them. Could not get treflip or nollie tre. Finally gave in and did a sex change. Tried to end on halfcab heel or treflip, but ultimately gave in and did a no comply flip as the last trick. I was so sore and it was getting dark.

(setup 8.25 null spanbauer, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow with royal bushings flat top washer, bones 52mm slims 99a stf, vans half cab maroon size 11.5 nb# 272 insole)
(pain level 4/10 vulcs suck)