skate journal: mellow hot dog park (june 28, 2022)

There was some cloud cover so Rob and I rolled into dog park at the same time, right before the clouds would disappear. It was hot. My skating was not. Ha, I started on an 8.3, but didn’t last too long on it. Did a kickflip then fakie bigflip first try on the ol’ 8.25 again. Then mostly didn’t have much drive and didn’t do anything. Had an okay crook and a couple slow nose manuals on the curb. Rob ripped it though. Nose manuals, almost nose manual 180, nollie front lip, front boards, back 50 combos.

(setup null 8.25 stumpy burnout, jessup pj ultragrip, thunder hollow 148 venom 88a bushings, spitfire 52mm classic shape f4 99a, new balance numeric 440high b/w size 12)
(pain level 4/10)