skate journal: granby round 3 (july 6, 2022)

After a sleepless night for no real reason we stopped for some coffee and went to the bright and mostly dry Granby park. There was still a large pool near the manny pad. What a terrible drainage design. Anyway, my first dropin exposed some serious side pain that would prevent me from doing any real skating. I think the only thing I really did was huck nollie tres over the hip for a bit, none of which were close. There were a couple other dudes skating who were on family vacations. One was 40ish dude that was really nice and trying back 180 nosegrinds then b/s flips over and over. The other was a 15 year old kid that was a little ripper and surprisingly nice and fun to skate with. Both were great additions to the session. Unlike the random bike kids that would come through with no idea what to do at a skatepark. As you can see in the clips Rob was shredding. Bigspin front nose on the bank to curb was hot. Cass got a couple mega hardflips and got a pop shove underflip. All after doing back bigspin over the hip first try. Neil had some knee pain going, but that didn’t stop him from some manuals, one foots, and close to some melons, cabs over the hip and more. We were there quite some time then headed back down to Broomfield and hung out with Fuzz’s which was super fun.

(setup 8.3 null vhs, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 cast base titanium hanger, bones 52mm 99a stf v3, new balance numeric 440highs b/w size 12 half insole)
(pain 8/10 knee and side)