skate journal: mellow niwot bank with dave (july 12, 2022)

On a hot night I was about to not skate again, but Dave and I rallied for a meeting point in the middle at the old Case Logic bank. There was a SUV parked in front, but we were able to avoid it. I started on an 8″ setup and realized after a bit that I didn’t really like it much and went back to the slightly modified 8.25. I had done kickflips and kickflips to fakie. Dave hadn’t skated in a while due to covid and brushed off the rust with some nollies into the bank, switch shoves, back 360s, switch front ollies. Then we kind of battled for a while. I was close to front heel so I setup the camera thinking I’d get it quickly. Nope. I was close, but nope. Dave went for switch back tail like Tiago. Then pop shove body varial. Then we did some other stuff. I couldn’t get a varial flip to fakie. Dave’s kickflip was nice. We ended up getting the boot as it was getting dark. Fun little session, surprised we lasted that long.

Oh yeah I was wearing some Adidas Puig’s. Trying to skate some of the shoes that have been sitting in my closet collecting dust. I don’t really like them much, but they aren’t too bad and they fit pretty well.

(setup 8.25 null stumpy burnout, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow, bones 51mm stf 101a v2, adidas puig b/w size 12 half insole)
(pain level 4/10)