skate journal: watching my friends rip (aug 6, 2022)

Posted in Skate Journal on August 6th, 2022 by corpo

Did so much to be ready to skate. About an hour of exercises and an ice bath. Got to dog park to a crew of radness with a lot of older skaters. Within minutes of skating excruciating pain shot throw my knee and I was done, completely depressed and done. It was pain I couldn’t even remotely attempt to skate through and the worst part is I have no idea why. But I chilled and watched my friends. Jack B was shredding I saw some fakie nosegrinds and other tricks on the curb. Fuller was totally shredding. No comply a parking block gap, manuals, nose manuals, and an incredible boardslide 270 on the upper deck almost to manual on the pad. That would have been too much. Another older dude did a slappy noseslide to crook transfer on the long green curb that was incredible. Kevin was rad and since I couldn’t skate he asked to call out some lines for him, and he did all of them. They were a mixture of his tricks and my tricks. Like fakie bigflip and treflip which he doesn’t normally do. Nollie front crook first try was crazy good. I’m going to the beach in NC for a week, I really hope my body heals up and I can actually skate when I get back. The last couple weeks has been brutal on my skate well being.

(setup who cares)
(pain level 9/10 unbearable to skate but I was able to walk and sit and watch my friends shred)