skate journal: dog park with jack and kevin (aug 17, 2022)

Went to dog park on a warm night after work and met up with Jack and Kevin. We all got there around the same time. My legs kind of worked, but not really. I never really ollied and flip tricks were a struggle. The only trick I did I was somewhat hyped no was switch noseslide shove. Kevin had a couple primo slams right away, but still shredded it. The manual followed by kick back tail was hot. Jack casually did front tail front heel out over the two step, a bunch of bluntslides and maybe a noseslide nollie heel out. But then went on to work hard for a back tail backside flip out that was super incredible and my dumbass missed the clip. Kevin gets at least 1% of the blame on that. Ha ha. Seriously though, amazing Jack. Then Jack and I went to dinner and it was great chatting with him for a while.

(setup null 8.25 vhs, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.2 high cast plate v-hollow hanger royal bushings flat top washer, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, new balance numeric 440 black 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 6/10 knees)