skate journal: delirious dog park editing break (oct 8, 2022)

After doing some editing in the morning I met up with Jake, Cass, Rob, Hayden, Bo at Valmont / dog park. We started at Valmont. Jake did pole jam. Cass and I did frontside flips. One of mine might have even turned a whole 90 degrees. The riff raff was out of control. A lady was taking a phone call from the ledge, strider kids in moto cross helmets. I did the little line of ollie the euro, manual the volcano, back 50 the high to low qp.

So we didn’t last too long and went over to dog park. Rob had gone over there earlier and was totally shredding. I think it’s some of the best he’s skated in recent history. Nose manual front 180s around the C ledge, nollie front lip the low flat bar, halfcab 50s, big pops off the philly kicker. Jake was ripping too I saw lines with nollie back tails, front boards, back 50s. Cass with the casual front noseslides, 50s, back 180 50s. Jake, Cass and I played a game of SKATE. Well, Cass and I started and I got a letter on front shove or something and then Jake came so we reset. It was a good game, one of my better ones in a while. Cass did a first try treflip and I got his back. It made me so happy. Like one barely moving flip trick was all I need to make me so happy. I would go on to get halfcab flip, heelflip and a few more and somehow win the game. Hayden and Bo had shown up. Bo was unable to get the nose manual on the table. Bo, Hayden and I tried flip tricks off the mellow kicker. Hayden got switch heel, Bo was close to switch varial heel, I was close to backside flip. A lot more went down, but I forget as it was all erased when I got home and went into another editing marathon.

(setup 8.1″ null all you need deck, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollows cast plate royal bushings no big washer flat top washer, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic shape, new balance 440 black 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level probably something like 4/10)