skate journal: dog park after work blah (oct 13, 2022)

I’m writing this one week after the fact and a huge video premiere later so it’s not going to have much. I had taken a few notes. I had switched to venture 5.8s and hated every second of it. The dog park was heated. Rob and I went over to the skatepark. My only notes are that I did a kickflip on the mellow bank, the rainbow grind and couldn’t get a good grind on the pond qp. After Rob left I went back to the ledges and putzed around for a bit before having a fun little line of wallie the corner of the barrier then boardslide the other end of it.

(setup null vhs 8.3, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium hanger cast baseplate royal bushings no big washer flat top washer, 51mm spitfire f4 101a classic shape, new balance numeric 440 black size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level no idea)