skate journal: crowded dog park with rob on a warm afternoon (oct 20, 2022)

After work I met up with Rob at dog park. It was crowded, but not with a lot of total shredders. I found myself getting so annoyed at times as kids would not look ahead at all and just go and get in the way. I tried some kinda hard tricks for me at times, I just didn’t land them. Nosegrind 180 on the curb, ollie the broken cement wedges and slappy crook back 180 which I never pulled the trigger on although it did feel possible. Rob had a couple shove nosegrinds, halfcab back 50 back 180, manuals, nose manuals, was looking really good out there.

(setup null 8.5 vhs, jessup ultragrip, indy barbee 149s, spitfire f4 101a classic, new balance numeric 272 b/w size 11 custom halfish insole)
(pain level 3/10 – but oh man after skating in vulcs I was so sore the next day)