skate journal: skating like dog crap at the dog park (march 14, 2023)

Went to the dog park on a warm cloudy afternoon directly after work without a nap. It was popping. Lots of people. Paul and Robbie were there and a bunch of college kids I had never seen before. And then tall blond guy I haven’t seen in forever. Paul was shredding. I had worn vulcs for less foot pain. It worked for less foot pain, but it didn’t work for skating or preventing knee pain. I slammed on my first attempt to front 50 the curb and it was so embarrassing. F’ing vulcs man. They have no pop. I would go on to lose my front wheels several times trying slappy tricks on the metal curb which apparently puts way too much pressure on the wheels. Argh. I left super defeated. Paul had been ripping. He got the back 5-0 front 180 he’s been trying for a while.

(setup 6/10 8/3 null abstract33, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow 149, 51mm bones pj washers outside, new balance numeric 272 b/w size 11/5 half insole)
(pain level 6/10)