skate journal: fun early cold cushing session with kevin, jake, rob, cass (march 18, 2023)

Up pretty early on a crisp Saturday morning Rob and I rolled to Denver and picked up Nick before meeting Jake and Cass at the newly redone Cushing skatepark. We mostly had the park to ourselves for the couple hours we skated. Until the end when it got popping and we had mostly moved to the parking lot. I really struggled to get going for reasons I don’t understand. Kevin and Cass on the other hand were charging out of the gates. Kevin nollie flip out of the bank, pivot fakie the qp, back 180 the two set, back tail the ledge, switch nosegrind 180. For about the first hour we kind of skated whatever then there was largely a hip session. Jake would get fakie bigspin. Cass b/s flip and back bigspin. Kevin nollie bs flip and switch fs flip. I would flail at halfcab flips or fakie bigflips depending on my foot setup. I struggled for a while to line it out with kickflip out of the bank, but would eventually start landing most of them. Rob had manualled the miniramp, the deck of the top qp and I think a casual halfcab noseslide the ledge. Jake had a good crooks the ledge, front halfcab noseslide, nollie back tail and a bunch of front blunts the qp. He may have skated the mini too, but who was watching that? Ha. I got a couple lines I liked. Ollie the a-frame, noseslide the bump to ledge then quick kickflip the bank and followed by a noseslide to fakie. Then the same but with a kickflip to fakie that took way longer than it should have. Each ollie was really hurting my right knee. I didn’t really see much of what happened in the parking lot as I was the last one there. I think Jake was trying treflips and Kevin trying them switch. I struggled to do some basic slappies which confused me. Anyway, super rad crew, fun session, I like that park when it isn’t crowded.

(setup 6/10 8/3 null abstract33, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow 149, 51mm bones pj washers outside, new balance numeric 288S w/b size 12)
(pain level 6/10 right knee sucking)