skate journal: campus wind escape blah (march 25, 2023)

On a really cold and windy day I went to campus to find some motivation and some spots avoiding the wind. I went by Baker ledge and it was full of cars. I thought of the quick up bank to curb and thought it would be protected from the wind. It was. I was kind of motivated to line things out, like a trick on the bank to curb then go around and do something on the skate stopped ledge. But when I would go around the building the wind was insane. So I kept to the bank to curb. I’ll just start by saying I hated the ace lows in the wild. Like completely hated. I could barely ollie up the curb. I started with some nollie tails where I just rode along the bank and didn’t even ollie up. Then I took a bit to get a noseslide to fakie. After that I tried back 50s for a while and failed. Then I just wanted to do ollie up, nollie front 180 (or nollie to fakie I guess?) and that took me forever. I left after that. Tried to find some more motivation, but the wind was insane so I just left.

(setup 8.3 null abstract33, jessup ultragrip, ace low af1 hollows hard bushing, 53mm bones v1 pj washers outside, es swift 1.5 maroon size 12)
(pain level 4/10)