skate journal: easter chill day new ledge spot (april 9, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on April 9th, 2023 by corpo

Was almost not going to skate at all, but it was so nice out and I had remembered this little ledge spot I hadn’t skated yet. I warmed up with some switch front noseslides and noseslides, some flippers. I had new shoes (Es Melange) and my 8.3/Royal setup so everything felt weird. I skated somewhat hard, probably only because it was a new spot which kind of excited me. I almost had some back 50s, a few halfcab noseslides, some uphill front 50s and then a few crooks that felt way better than they look. I have never nollie front 180’d off a curb before and it took quite a few tries, but it felt neat even if I don’t appear to pop whatsoever. For flippers I only got kickflip, fakie flip, halfcab flip and b/s flip. The warmer weather made the trucks feel way too loose. Glad I got out to skate a little.

(setup 4/10 null abstract33 8.3, jessup ultragrip, royal ultralights 149, bones 53mm pj, es melange black size 12)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: saturday little thornton fun with jack b, rob and nick (april 8, 2023)

Posted in Skate Journal on April 9th, 2023 by corpo
Rob, Jack B and I rolled to Thornton and would meet Nick there. Warming up was extra rough. It was a while before I popped the board at all. That park is fun though and seemed like everyone got some stuff eventually. Bratcher front 50’d the tall ledge quickly. I had a fun line of crooks, manual tilt, grind the weird hip bank. We skated the ledge for a while and the ultra depressing front 50 devil almost got me. Luckily I got a couple slow ones, but I wasn’t happy. I got a b/s flip over the ultra small hip after one of them. Bratchers slappy was sick. Rob had some fire too halfcab boardslide, crooks, halfcab nose, front board. Also some cool manuals dropped down the two stair. Nick was doing good boardslides. Then on the hip I tried treflip for a while and could not get it to save my life so settled for varial flip. Also couldn’t get a fakie bigflip and felt so awkward on my board. Argh, that’s not good. Ended it with Nick boardsliding the top over the manny pad and I had a fun quick up to boardslide transfer in. Came remotely close to noseslide to fakie up onto the pad then switch front noseslide off, but pain and exhaustion had kicked in. Fun session and crew.

(setup 3/10 8.25 null spanbauer dead spots, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow royal bushings flat top washer, bones 51mm pj, es swift maroon size 12 nike insoles)
(pain 5/10)

skate journal: friday rocky mountain with rob and dave (april 7, 2023)

Posted in Skate Journal on April 9th, 2023 by corpo

After a chill Friday at work I rolled through rush hour traffic to Rocky Mountain where I met Rob and Dave. They were warming up trying pressure flips. Both seemed close. I started with slappy crooks. It turned into a pretty good session. Rob had nollie tail, slappy crooks, nollie lips on the curb. Manual around backside then nose manual around frontside to 180 out. I think front board pop out on the ledge too. I skated decently for me. Had a lot of flippers including my first couple heelflips in months, f/s halfcab heel and flip, b/s flip, halfcab flip but no fakie bigflip or treflip. Got up on the ledge a couple times, but never got a grind. May have barely done a noseslide up to crooks jib that fell out right away. I couldn’t kickflip up the curb. Dave on the other hand, was still kickflipping up the curb after I had called and and was sitting. He had a fastplant over a median on the bank, manuals on the medians, shove fakie and ended with slappy crooks shove but couldn’t get it cleaned up. I know I’m missing a lot more. It was a fun Friday session and after had a fun dinner with Rob.

(setup 6/10 8.25 null spanbauer dead spots, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow royal bushings flat top washer, bones 51mm pj, es swift maroon size 12 nike insoles)
(pain 4/10)