skate journal: dog park after work (april 17, 2023)

I didn’t do anything on Sunday and it was great. But I felt pretty out of it still Monday after work where I met up with Paul, Sean and Rob. I had a mixed session of weird flailing and some decent stuff. New things I got were front 50 the curved part of the C ledge finally, front 180 up the ledge then switch 180 off. Skated hard though and posed some stuff I hadn’t done before and seemed to skate a bit faster. Rob was ripping with nollie lipslides, shove lipslides, manual back 180, back 50 back 180, halfcab boardslide and more. Paul added switch 50s to his ledge game. Sean did his infamous line of back nosegrind then kickflip nose manual. It was so nice out, hard to leave, but everyone seemed exhausted.

(setup 5/10 null 8.3 pmg, jessup ultragrip, royal ultralight 149, 51mm bones pj, new balance numeric 272 b/w size 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 5/10)