skate journal: friday night fun at dog park with joe, eric, lee, rob (july 13, 2023)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on July 16th, 2023 by corpo

Met up with Joe, Eric, Lee and Rob on a warm evening at dog park. It was crowded with youth, most of which were annoying. Lee had immediately done a front shove that was too high and Rob commented on how it was over maximum height. Ha ha. Lee warmed up skating the tall flat bars. The annoying youth got to Rob and he bounced. I don’t remember doing much of anything myself. I was adjusting to a setup change of 8.3 and aces. Felt decent. I lost in a game of SKATE to Joe, but had a great feeling b/s flip. I struggled with crooks. Aces pinch so differently than Ventures. Didn’t see Eric skate much. Joe was popping onto the tall ledges casually. Lee’s pop shove nose grind was bonkers.

(setup 8.3 pmg, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 55, snot 52 pink swirls, new balance numeric 272 size 12 half insoles)
(pain level 4/10)