skate journal: some dog park, research wood and douglass blah (aug 13, 2023)

After some yoga went to dog park later than I should have, but it was right when the clouds rolled in and it was oh so nice and cool out. There was a cool crew. I didn’t feel good on my skateboard at all, quickly switched back to my ventures but didn’t like it either. Had one incredibly embarrassing crook attempt. Ended up taking out the game changers out and lots of my lower leg pain went away. After a while I was filming Sean and Noè and did a few flip tricks in between. Like really slow barely moving but did get varial flip, fakie flip, halfcab flip and b/s filp in one line. Everyone else there was killing it. Sean and Noè got some cool stuff. Then we went to research wood manny pad area. I did a switch front nose and noseslide while they warmed up which didn’t take Noè long as he banged out 3 clips for the next vid. Sean got close to a banger. After a nap and some chilling I ended up at Douglass again for my final vetting process of seeing if Thunder worked. I was totally determined and excited to try them, but wow they are the worst. Had more problems ollieing up the curb, kickflips were okay, still couldn’t crook. I was pretty quickly over it and went home defeated.

(setups 8.25s ace lows venture lows and stuff, nb# 288 sportz)
(pain level 7/10 with game changers 4/10 without)