skate journal: short fossil session with rob, noè and hayden (sept 17, 2023)

On a warm sunny day Rob and I rolled to Fossil and met up with Noè and Hayden. There was another kid there skating really close to us, but he meant well. Just made warming up kind of weird. No surprise, but I had changed things again to a setup I had once happily rocked for a long time. 8.25 with venture 5.8 and 51mm. It felt pretty poppy. We started on the top. Noè doing flippers down the 3, down the 6. It was awesome seeing him jump so much. It’s crazy how casually he can treflip the 3 stair. Hayden makes manuals look so easy. Even fakie ones. Rob was locking into nose manuals and took a pretty good slam on one. I had some front 50s on the curb, some intentional 5-0s, kickflip up the curb and made myself front 50 a tallish (for me) ledge before I could go down to the lower area. Saw Rob get a pretty speedy manual and Hayden get a back tail. Noè was trying switch back nose manuals with a backside curve that seemed impossible. I had a couple crooks, accidental 5-0s and front 50s on the low part of the main ledge, halfcab flip and b/s flip and ended with a sketchy ollie up the ledge.

(setup 7/10 8.25 pmg, venture v-cast/titanium 5.8 with royal bushings no bottom washer, 51mm bones stf pj v1 washers outside, new balance numeric 288 sport size 12 with nike sb dunk insoles)
(pain level 4/10)