skate journal: back home, mellow dog park session (sept 29, 2023)

After my first day of work in nearly 2 weeks I met up with Rob and Dave at dog park on a beautiful afternoon. The park was pretty chill and had some new obstacles left over from the GB games. The bank to coping was pretty cool and fun to carve on. I was feeling very out of it and jet lagged. Immediately saw Rob pull a nice nose manual. Dave seemed to have a lot of energy and spring and was lining out everything. Boardslides around the c ledge, back 50 around it, front and back slashes on the bank to coping. Rob had halfcab back 50s, nollie front 50 back 180 out, no comply up the pad to front board off. I had a bad noseslide to fakie onto the pad then switch nose jib off. A fun run of noseslide the bench, back slash the bank to coping, little ollie off the grate kicker then front 180 off the new green kicker. Lastly a fun line of slappy crooks then front shove off the new green kicker that took way too long. I had skated an 8.3 with ace lows and didn’t like it. Not really counting it as a setup change though because I had left my board in Germany and didn’t have time to setup what I wanted.

(setup 8.3 pmg, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 low 55 hard bushings, 52mm spitfire f4 99a classic, new balance numeric 288 sport b/w size 11.5)
(pain level 6/10)