skate journal: fun times at parker with a solid crew (oct 7, 2023)

Rob and I rolled to Parker early on a Saturday morning. It was cold when we left, but by the time we got there the sun was out and it was warm. It’s a big park, everyone seemed to warm up differently. I was feeling better than expected, probably because I had actually taken an ibuprofen the night before. There was a while where we were all mostly skating the long ledge or manny pad. Rob was the only one I saw successfully manual and nose manual it. And kind of close to nose manual to front tail. He also popped up onto front 50 on the long ledge. Venture Dave was doing shoves, impossibles, switch 180s but not getting the nose manual. Jake had a really sick crooks shove right away. Maybe even first try? Also back and front 50s, maybe front tail then nollie back tail and f/s halfcab nose. My flippers were working better than they have and I came quite close to a line of fakie bigflip, front 50, treflip. Didn’t quite get the treflip. Kind of got front 50 shove, did get accidental front 5-0s, crooks, fakie 50. Jake did an amazing line of ollie up a tall ledge, ollie up the bank to ledge, front blunt the volcano up top. Cass had really good front noses on all ledges, some kickflips, worked on halfcab noseslides. He had also invited Brekon who was absolutely destroying the ledges. Nollie Suciu grind was nuts! I had some fun noseslides to fakie on the bank to ledge and followed them with a little front grind over the hip in the mellow bowl below. I filmed the bank to ledge session for a while. Max did fakie front shove. Rob noseslide and front board. Dave with the sick fakie impossible. Dave and I were last men standing and he did the impossible on the bank and I took too long to do b/s kickflip and kickflip to fakie. Super fun session, good dudes, weather and park.

(setup 5/10 null glenosaur 8.25, jessup ultragrip, venture v-cast 5.6 royal bushings flat top washer, spitfire f4 52mm classic shape, es melange size 12)
(pain 4/10)