skate journal: dog park on a nice day trying not to really skate but i did a little (jan 1, 2024)

It’s always tough to be hurt on Jan 1, because it’s a great day to try and skate with some motivation and pretend to set the tone for the year. I felt good when I got on my board. In fact my knee felt great, was so tempting to really skate. I did do a kickflip, a couple boardslides and a first try crooks followed by nollie back tail. Then it was mostly just slappies. It felt pretty great to get a few tricks in. Dave, Jesse and Jack B did this crazy ride on grind over a death trap. Dave was shredding, looked in good form after the back pain. Sean and Paul both looked good too. Sean did such a good kickflip nose manual. I did a lot of chatting because I was trying to avoid skating too much. Mike showed, good seeing him. Dave and Sean did nose/tail slides across two parking blocks next to each other. Dave tried switch crooks to crooks which would have been nuts. That’s about all I remember, it was fun and encouraging that I’ll be able to really skate soon. Then I went and sat in a frozen river for the annual polar plunge. Burr.

(setup 4/10 8.25 pmg, jessup ultragrip, royal 144 hollow kingpin, bones stf v1 pj 103a, new blance numeric 600 black/gum size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 3/10)