skate journal: messing around at a couple of spots (feb 25, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on February 26th, 2024 by corpo

With the wind starting to pick up and the forecast calling for high winds I got out kind of early on a beautiful morning. I had wanted to go to a really dumb little hip spot, but there was a car parked on it so I ended up at the ledge/bank spot. It’s way harder to skate than it looks. I just wasn’t feeling like going to a skatepark at all and wanted to hide away and get some confidence back. Setting my board down and the first couple of pushes felt better even though I was sore from skating a couple days in a row already. My warm up was a boardslide flop out, frontside carve over a hole (which I was seriously scared of) and then a nollie front 180. Then noseslide followed by rock ‘n roll which scared the heck out of me. I kind of lost some momentum after that but did manage my first fakie flip attempt. I did a couple of ledge tricks. Couldn’t get crooks. Did a terribly slow fakie flip followed by a switch nose shove.

Then I drove for a while looking for something new and found this random smooth parking lot with a couple of small gaps. I had sized up a larger one that would normally be a first try ollie, but decided to start with the “small one”. Low and behold it was actually scary for me and it totally bummed me out. I would ollie it in a line of pop shove, ollie up a curb (which kind of hurt), then ollie the tiny gap (which did hurt). I had come close to a couple of flippers in the parking lot, but didn’t land them. As I write this a day later my knee is once again a swollen painful balloon. UGH. I was happy I skated, will probably need to continue jumping much.

(setup 6/10 generator 8.5 14.25, jessup ultra, venture 5.8 titanium bones medium bushings, bones 52mm v1 stf, new balance numeric 600 knox black/gum size 12 currex runpro insoles)
(pain level 6/10)