skate journal: blue skies lunch then valmont and dog park after work (april 17, 2024)

Posted in Skate Journal on April 18th, 2024 by corpo

Took a lunch break to Blue Skies and it was sooo nice out. I went with the Strikes again and this time felt like they have some potential. I took a bit to get a warm up line of boardslide a flat bar, kickflip on flat, noseslide down an escalator ledge, b/s nollie on the bank, crooks the ledge. I mostly lined things out the whole time. Had a couple front board jibs, a few halfcab flips, a heelflip, ollies over the lowest part of the dragon rail. Ended doing a crook jib on the escalator ledge followed by front 50 attempt on the lowest ledge which I kind of did but also rode along the top slowly.

After work I met Dave at Valmont park. He was battling back bigspin over the hip and would get a really smooth one. Then he went on to line out several b/s flips over the hip too with back d on the little qp, back tail on the volcano, front ride the barrier. I got quite a few kickflips quickly. To fakie on the mellow bank, b/s on a hump. Went on to do a line of f/s flip on the mellow bank then kickflip to fakie on the shark fin. I was pretty hyped on that. Then I failed at treflips to fakie on the bank for a while and Dave had to leave.

So I went over to dog park. Was hyped that Jamison and Robbie were there ripping. I thought I would do basically nothing, but I ended up doing a few basics. Crooks on the bench was fun, front 50 the lurb was hard because the Strikes are so cushiony they absorb pop, slappies, couldn’t get kick back 50.

Lotta skating. Really sore a day later writing this. I was hoping these strike shoes would avoid that, but alas it doesn’t appear there will ever be a perfect skate shoe.

(setup 8.25 pmg, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow light 148 royal bushings, 52mm bones stf v1, strike mvmnt transit street trainer black/gum size 12 currex run pro insole)
(pain level 3/10 felt good until the end)

skate journal: mellow broomfield in new shoes (april 14, 2024)

Posted in New Shoes, Skate Journal on April 18th, 2024 by corpo

Met Nullers at Broomfield park with the purpose of filming a little skit for the new shirts. We skated for a while at the park. I was trying to break in some Strike MVMNT “Transit Street Trainer” shoes. Wow they are thick and stiff. I skated pretty bad. I don’t know if I can even remember a trick I did. I know I was switching between my 8.5 and 8.25 setups because of how the shoes felt, but ultimately stuck with the 8.25. Garrett had some great back tails on the ledge into the bank. Bo somehow couldn’t treflip. Joe’s front crooks on the ledge into the bank were great. Sean being Sean was awesome. Then we went to the nearby school and had fun shooting hoops and dunking. Then to another school with a low wall rail that everyone got denied on.

(setup 8.25 pmg, jessup ultragrip, thunder hollow light 148 royal bushings, 52mm bones stf v1, strike mvmnt transit street trainer black/gum size 12 currex run pro insole)
(pain level 6/10 from the day before)