skate journal: Niwot High / Longmont little park with TF (June 18, 2011)

A beautiful Saturday. I had to get a bunch of Null stuff done before I could skate. Then I went and picked up Carless and eventually met Neil and Lazer at Niwot High. Carleigh and I took awhile get going. Actually, she got blinded by the sun and had to chill out. I got a few lines I was happy with. The first one was crooks, kickflip, front 50 shove. Neil and Lazer had shown up by now. The next line I was working on was halfcab noseslide, nollie tre, front board pop out. I managed to get it, but all three tricks were horrid. My next line might be my favorite though. Back 50, heelflip, front 5-0. Neil and Lazer were cruising around too. Neil had some good lines with kickflip, front 50, front lip or front tail. Lazer had some moves too. For awhile we all tried front nosegrinds. Lazer got it. Neil and I got close. I haven’t done that trick on a real ledge ever. We eventually left for the little Longmont park which is so fun.

Neil had puckered out and didn’t really skate. The rest of us seemed pretty motivated though. Lazer busted a bunch of tricks over the hip. The fakie ollie looked terrifying. He also boardslid the square rail and boardslid both curved ledges. Carleigh got 180 nosegrind to forward on the bump to ledge and her first ever no comply 180. Stoked. She also learned front tailslides over the hip. I skated hard and did quite a few things I was hyped on. First thing was a line of tailslide over the hip, b/s flip on the little bank, kickflip fakie on the next one. I also got a sloppy bigflip on the bank. I managed a bad front 50 on the straight out ledge. Neil and I failed to ollie up the big ledge. I tried it in a line with back 50’ing the ledge before it, but failed. I tried a few slow front 5-0 kickflips out and didn’t get close. I did a few manuals off the tall ledge which felt good, I normally set it down before a drop. The last couple things were frontside h/c flips followed by noseslide bails down the curved hubba and a took-way-to-long f/s flip over the mini hip. Super fun day though.