skate journal: Filmed Riley/Drew all day (July 31, 2012)

So hyped to see Riley again. It’s been way too long. Riley and his homie Brandon picked me up i Fremont then we met Matt, John, Dan and Drew at Donut Hill. I tried to skate, but it wasn’t really happening with my side. So I filmed mostly. Everyone killed it. We went to spots, Riley and Drew got tricks. Things were groovey. Filming lines seemed to somehow strengthen up my side and around dusk I was finally able to skate a little. We were at a bank to rail spot. Riley and Drew filmed sick lines. Joe and i did some little tailslides. Matt got an ender. Crooks to forward. So gnarly. Dan manualled a lot. A Element pole jam was brought out and we dorked around on it. I hadn’t really done any regular pole jams, but then they wanted to film a sequence of all of us doing pole jams so I had to man up and did a few of them. The bigger setup sure is nice for that. Riley did about 10 different pole jam variations including switch 180, back 180 and skier. So sick. After that I started posing my dream trick of no comply pole jam finger flip. I was getting close and Dan insisted on filming it and somehow I landed it. Pretty hyped although it was kind of a weird one where I held onto the board for awhile and stood there. Oh well, we had fun. Then we crashed at Joes.