skate journal: Day 2 of filming Riley in the 100 degree heat (Aug 1, 2012)

Day 2 started at Donut Hill as well. Same crew, but no Drew, he would meet up later. Riley was super beat up, sore and tired. I was feeling better and instead of filming I skated. Other then the weird pain in my side only when I would drop in I was good. I got grinds around the corner (top left in the photo above), scratch grinds on the pool coping on the top right and carved tile in the deep end. I was hyped. Dan was ripping too and got a front disaster. Not bad for a dude that claims he can’t skate any tranny over 4 feet. At the very end Matt said you cant treflip on big boards so I beat him to a treflip challenge. Take that Matt! Ha as if I’m that defensive of big boards. We went to a few spots, but Riley wasn’t feeling them. Then we ended up here:

Drew knew the people that live at this and invited them all out for a session. Everyone was super good except me. You had to roll through a little dirt patch and it messed with me so bad. I only managed rock ‘n roll, front rock and a weak little crook/jib thing. One of the dudes did kick back tail. So rad. Riley killed that thing. He got a bunch of tricks including a stalefish disaster. WTF? Oh and it was first try. After that Drew had to go so we went back to Fremont. Matt and joe had shown us some good spots and we ended up at a bank to loading dock manny pad where Riley got a banger. I skated with Joe a tiny bit before Riley got close and we were playing a game of SKATE, but I was sucking to new levels and was happy to film Riley. Last spot was a pretty long 3 flat 1 that Riley committed to sw heel on, but rolled his ankle bad. Doh. Day done, session over, sleep time. Riley it ruled seeing you. Drew, thanks for the amazing tour guiding. Motive, you guys are the best.