skate journal: Waunakee skatepark & solo University of Wisconsin exhaustion (Aug 4, 2012)

It took me literally 2 hours to find the location of this skatepark online. Note to the city of Waunakee, put the address to the park in your literature. Geez. Anyways, I recruited Ollie (he wouldn’t go until I actually knew where it was) and it was pretty early still. There was a family there when we arrived. The dad was doing kick turns in Nike running shoes (same thing as Nike SB in my book) and his kids were scootering, biking, or running around the park. We started on the ramp. Ollie did rock ‘n roll which is kinda tall for him. I didn’t do much before we moved over to the “street course”.

The photo above is a bit of a park overview. Okay, well it shows everything except two flat bars and the back of the halfpipe has a quarterpipe. Everything was built great and skated great. In other words it’s way better than Boulder park. My side was not hurting anymore. I got a run of b/s flip on the flat bank then manual across the lower manny pad. Ollie did a sick front board on the low box, back 180’d off the taller one, and cruised around for awhile before wanting to go. I did a few front lips on the low box, front 50s on the tall one, crooks, ollie onto the low box to boardslide the tall box and ended it with an ollie onto the low box front 50 on the tall box followed by a treflip on flat. Neat. Time to go have a family bbq.

I laid off the sauce at the bbq with the intention of breaking loose later on and skating the University of Wisconsin. I was tired, but I knew this would be my only chance. I started here as it’s where I had stayed for my brothers wedding. It wasn’t as good as I remembered, but I skated around, did a few ollies down 3 stairs, some bad tailslide attempts, etc before moving on. I had my directions backwards though and started skating the wrong way and ended up in a weird area of campus that doesn’t have much.

I found this though. It was dark which made it even scarier than it should be. I ollied into it and had a fun powerslide in the parking lot below.

I saw this. I’m not sure what’s up with the part that isn’t waxed. I’m thinking the city recently put in the straight part of the ledge or something to try and deter skating?

Finally found a good spot! It was under construction though so almost no run up and the landing was a few feet before a busy street. I managed to boardslide the whole thing and hang up on a noseslide. I was getting really tired and frustrated that I couldn’t remember where the ledges were I really wanted to skate. I rolled past my car, tempted to retire for the night, but decided to move on.

I was rewarded with immediately finding the spot I wanted to skate originally. Awesome! But kind of a bummer that I spent so much time pushing around before I even got to the good stuff. This ledge isn’t tall and there are a bunch of them around this building. It’s on an upper level so it’s kind of weird seeing the ground below when your grinding. That and those lights in the background are super bright. I got front 50, front board, back noseslide, back crooks and was working on more, but was told that I couldn’t skate there by security. Doh. They said I could skate in front of the building though…

So I skated this for a bit. Front rock, axle stall and rock fakie. I was so tired. There was some other stuff nearby that looked really fun, but there was a ton of college kids walking by and I was too tired to deal with them.

Oh yeah it turns out I was also right next to the building where my brother’s wedding reception was. Pretty cool.

I went around a corner and found this. A perfect metal ledge on perfect ground. I couldn’t pass it up even though I’m sure it’s still on campus grounds. It didn’t even have marks on it yet. I did a couple front 50s then decided I wanted to get a nosegrind on it. It took awhile. I had some pretty bad slams doing flatground due to the crazy wheel bite you get with a bigger board (will ever get used to it?). I kept bonking the back wheels on the nosegrinds, but everytime I would get a little further out until eventually it was just a little tap with the back of the tail which I’ll accept as I’m still getting used to the bigger setup. All in all a fun night, glad I went, wish I would have gone the right way right away as there was even more fun stuff around the area.