skate journal: blue skies during the day, research center at night (dec 1, 2014)

60 degrees, a bit breezy at times, but 60 degrees! I skipped out to Blue Skies during my gym break. I started mostly started just doing tricks like ollie to fakie on the main bank and fakie ollies on little one next to it. Some slappy noseslides, boardslide the flatbar. Typical warming up. I didn’t get too into flip tricks. A few new things at today’s session. First I did a little line where I rolled off the highest ledge down a level then down the bank and did a crappy noseslide on the main long tall ledge. It was pretty hard to get setup that quick. Then I front 180’d a flat bar which was kind of scary. I was easy to ollie it super easy after that at least. I also did a really slow back 180 over the low part of the snake bar. Also an ollie to tail transfer on it. Baby learning steps here which make me super happy. I finished it with an ultra slow and scary front 50 on the taller part of the narrow ledge. FINALLY. I’ve wanted to 50 that for years now. The ultimate goal would be to front 50 the whole thing, but that’s going to be awhile, if ever. I was a little more tired then I thought I would be and I didn’t have a ton of energy, but man, I LOVE dorking aroud at this park instead of being at work.

It was nice out, the kids didn’t need help with homework and I had just watched the Plan B video so I felt like skating. In all honesty though the Plan B vid didn’t really hype me up because it was hard to watch without PJ in it. I went to the research center. Tried to start on the ledge, but it wasn’t going well so I went to the Colorado side and started messing around. Did the noseslide, boardslide, ride down the stairs combo. Then started thinking it would be fun to front 50 the inside of the curb I boardslide. I tried to line out a couple flippers down the hallway before it:


But I could not land anything. The narrowness of the hallway weirded me out. I was struggling so bad I rarely landed fakie bigspins. And when I did it was even less likely I would land the front shove after. I guess I was tired from skating so much or something. I would eventually give up on lining it out and just do one flip trick like heelflip. I got into front 5-0, but never committed to a fast front 50. The gap in was a little weirder then I thought. Partly because it’s longer, partly because you can’t take much angle in. Then I went down to the ledge which went a little better. Took awhile to get a crooks though, but did eventually get a great feeling one. Front 50s felt good again. I swear having tighter trucks gives you more pop. I guess maybe with loose trucks more energy is dispersed when trucks move around? I don’t know, but I’m kind of digging being able to get on ledges again. Did a front 50 front 180 out that felt great. Went at a front tail and felt like it was close to being a real one. Did a couple bad back 50s. And I mean really bad. Halfcab noseslide. I went home pretty sore and tired.