skate journal: blue skies under gray skies (dec 3, 2014)

Pretty sore from skating yesterday, but not wanting to spend a lunch break at the gym I went to Blue Skies again. It was obvious from the start that my legs were extra sore and lacking pop. So I mostly did stuff that doesn’t involve popping too much. I had thought of f/s halfcab noseslides on the way there so I tried them in a line. Boardslide to fakie the flat bar, fakie flip, fakie fs throw the board at the ledge. Never got close. Also tried boneless on the big bank then boardslide the main tall ledge. That is probably the first time I’ve boardslid that. It’s tall. Did halfcab boardslide on the flat bar. Not the best session and I should have probably rested instead, but no, nevermind, it was skating instead of work. It ruled.