skate journal: bellevue and northgate parks in seattle (march 2, 2015 day 61)

A video posted by Joshua Pluger (@boredzinejp) on

Bellevue park. Wow if you could have seen us attempting to warm up at this park early in the morning. We were all hurting. It was hilarious, or depressing. You choose. We started a little session on the stairs where we would ride on to the stairs and grind across them. It helped us get going. In fact I was pretty hyped on front 50 back 180 out I landed. Josh had some bad slams, but pulled through for some ripping. Lots of tricks over the qp hip. Manuals around the bank. Nate ripped too. The feeble transfer was amazing. He also had some crazy manuals on the banked manny pad. Good back 50s on the pier 7 ledge, maybe back 5-0 too. I managed one lousy back 50 on in, but lots of crooks which felt good because grinding granite is awesome. Chip from Old Dog Skates joined us and put together a sick kickflip to fakie. Filming each other’s lines was pretty fun.

Then we attempted to skate more. This was a new park. It was bizarre. Shove as many features as possible into one area and hope for the best. Josh figured it out pretty quick and was linking lines with lots of f/s ollies. He didn’t hesitate to do front and back lips all over the place. The front lip on a 5foot qp to 1 foot qp was sick. Pushing up to the park I could barely lean down to push. It was surprisingly cold. Nate and I found some stoke on a mini qp. We both did our first transfer to front tails. Also transfer front 50, front lip. Pretty fun. I got a little hurricane on it too. The tight qp that Josh did the front rock on in the photo was fun. Nate got boardslides and board to fakie. I got rock ‘n roll and axle stall. Josh may have gone as far as front tails even. I had a fun line in the park with back 50, front d and then front rock. Josh has me inspired to not suck at transition so much. Then we skated the ledge area for awhile that had a big puddle making it hard. I was sucking so bad, but somehow in a good mood about. Giggling and making fun of myself. The locals were laughing. Josh and Nate did quick up nose manuals. I kind of got quick up back 50. Then I tried front 50 shove and cracked my board. Kept trying it and snapped my nose real good. It was funny because the three of us cheered and said “Yeah now we can go!” We were so beat. Normally when I’m so tired and skating bad I get angry, so that was nice.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)