skate journal: lots more skateparks in seattle (march 1, 2015 day 60)

Up early on another sunny Seattle day we started at Crown Hill skate dot. We mostly skated the ramp. Josh killed it. Bean plants, back lips, front lips, slob plants (I think), front tails, back tails, he got it all. Nate and I struggled. I would eventually get front disasters, front rocks, fakie stall to fakie and it felt like more, but I can’t remember it now.

A video posted by Joshua Pluger (@boredzinejp) on

Then Nate and I skated the ledge for a bit. You can see what we did. It was really tight.

A photo posted by Joshua Pluger (@boredzinejp) on

Then we met some of the Amigos owners at another skate dot. This one was more ledge oriented. I’m guessing I accidently got some gluten in me as I was stiff as a board. I didn’t feel like skating at all which kind of sucked because the ledges were cool and meeting those guys was rad. Nate went off. Nosegrinds both ways, front 5-0 back 180 out, tailslides, so much more. Sasha can do every front 50 variation there is. It ruled. Fakie front 50 switch bigspin out? Yeap. Justin has super good style and knocked down some fast basics. Josh did a no comply on the bank that was crazy good, big ollies on the gnarly qp, back tail, back tail shove on the ledge. I couldn’t even get front 5-0 shove. Did a decent crooks to fakie for me and managed to win the big group game of SKATE.

Then we went to Green Lake again. I tried to skate, but my body was shut down. After throwing my board out of the park I settled on just filming Josh rip it. I mean look at that!

A video posted by Joshua Pluger (@boredzinejp) on

After dinner with Josh’s fam we went out to ATS indoor skatepark for Old Man night. I thought I was gonna have to sit it out, but a warm up run of boardslide then kickflip on the bank worked so I kept at it. Josh was cruising around doing all kinds of radical maneuvers. Fakie fast plant, front 360, boneless, lipslides, f/s flips, everything. Nate and I skated the corner for a bit. He was doing rad powerslides down a hump, carving the vert wall good then almost getting pivots to fakie. I managed a front feeble to fakie. Nate beat me to bonelesses on the bank. I almost got a few trannie tricks on the little qp. Took a long time to get a bigflip on the bank and Nate worked for a sick f/s flip that Josh and I both missed. There was lots of rad skating going on. Seattle has a sick scene. Stoked to see it for a bit and happy that Josh has so many friends to skate with.

(setup 8.25 venture wides bones med bushings no washers null wheels)