skate journal: flatground friday afternoon with dave (june 5, 2015 day 152)

dave fuller varial flip popped over your head

Another crazy day at work. I had a chance to go skate earlier, but it was pouring. Then things cleared up in the afternoon and I went to meet Dave at Blue Skies. Aki was there when we first got there. There was people in the hockey rink. I pumped around the crack banks for a bit because my legs were really sore. Aki was doing a bunch of tricks on the flat bar. Crooks, front lip, front 50. Dave showed and Aki had to leave. The people had left the hockey rink so we went up there. We ended up skating for like two hours so there is a lot I’m not going to remember. Dave had new shoes too so I think we both had more misses then normal at the start. Dave had a bunch of lines involving no comply 180s, switch no comply 180s, nollie front 180s, nollie back 180s, cabs, f/s cabs, helipops, back 360, front 360, his new one nollie cab, kickflips, fakie bigspins, fakie shoves. Wow that’s a long list. He also came really close to switch kickflips. At the end of the session he put down a couple varial flips. So sick. I mostly tried normal tricks going the slightly downhill way and switch flips going uphill. There were some really close switch flips and I feel like I made more progress on them, but I guess it’ll still take awhile. Hopefully within the next week so I don’t get another letter. I couldn’t do a treflip. But everything else went decent. Landed kickflips, heelflips, halfcab flips both ways, b/s flips, f/s pivot flips, fakie flips, fakie bigflips. Lines I tried were fakie bigflip, turn the board around then nollie bigflip. Also heelflip, f/s flip, fakie treflip. Got kind of close. Came close to f/s halfcab heel, switch flips and landed on a varial heel that could maybe count in an over 60 game of SKATE on defense. Then I realized I had to be back at work like 30 minutes ago. Fun times.

(setup 8.25 null venture light wides bones medium bushings 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254)