skate journal: southern hills warm up turned ledge session then failing at switch flips (june 6, 2015 day 153)

southern hills ledge

Went to Southern Hills around 9am since both kids were sleeping still. I played it really mellow for awhile. Just nosestall pivot stuff on the lower stair. Then stepped it up to back 50 on the stair. Then I skated flatground for awhile going through a few basics. Tried switch flips for awhile and started to get depressed so I stopped. Well kind of. Started doing laps with the ledge and stair. Tried a ridiculous run for awhile. F/s flip on flat, halfcab noseslide the ledge, kick back tail the stair. Got all the tricks, but never together. Tried b/s flip then fakie nosegrind, but couldn’t commit to the ledge. Landed one treflip. Didn’t come close on switch flips. Did crooks, a back 50, noseslide, noseslide to fakie, front nose, front nose to fakie, front 50 and a front 5-0 shove out where I was trying a front 50 shove out. I’ll take it. It was super nice out. I ended after trying several noseslide 270 front shoves out. Didn’t get too close to that one.

switch fail

Then after hanging with India for a few hours I went to Valmont with the sole purpose of landing a switch flip for the game of torture I’m playing with Josh and Nate. I brought an 8″ setup from my garage too in case it was easier on it. It wasn’t. It sucked on both. Above is as close as I got. I’m getting really sick of trying switch flips. I went home as it started to rain again. I put some 8″ Venture hangers on my board and tried a few switch flips on the flat of Rampy. Got pissed then tried to skate Rampy. That was somewhat ok. Tried more switch flips. Didn’t land any. Over it.

(setup 8.25 null venture wide lights bones med bushing 51mm stfs nb+ quincy 254)