skate journal: nine club before work (sept 15, 2017)

Before work trick tip: How to sack yourself on a ledge going slow. #ouch #

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Woke up early on a Friday when I have the late shift at work (9:30am). I decided to hit Erie park hoping it would be empty (it was) and got there a little before 8am. There was some puddles from spinklers, but it was mostly perfect. Warming up was of course a battle being so early, but probably went better than expected. After a few tiny ollies and boardslides I started to try some stuff. Got a line with crooks on the main long ledge, kickflip on flat then manual the little box. I would end up getting a lot of crooks, that ledge is great. I had a lot of fun doing little ollies to fakie and fs/bs ollies on the banks around the park. I was actually surprised at how much fun I was having doing dorky little things throughout areas that normally have people flying through. I had an ollie up a level that felt great and made me happy I chose to ride a big board again. Ollies to fakie on the banks were feeling great. Couldn’t get a cheater back 50 on the tiny box. On the main ledge I ended up getting a few tricks. Noseslide, noseslide to fakie, boardslide, front board, the worst front nose ever, switch noseslide, switch front nose, halfcab noseslide, crooks and happy to say a couple little front 50s. I just haven’t been able to pop that trick at all lately so it felt cool to get a couple even if that was it. The last challenge was to noseslide a taller ledge into the bank. I setup my phone for extra courage as I was scared and I wanted a screengrab for the blog. I got one, but wanted to clean it up and the next one didn’t go so good. I got sacked pretty good. At least t’s funny to watch.

(setup null spanbauer 8.38″ deck, venture v-light 5.8, bones medium bushings, 3 washers on the outside of each axle, old 51mm spitfire f4 classics, new balance numeric 212 sand 11, spenco 3/4 thinsoles, footprints 5mm insole)