skate journal: broomfield after work with rob and a host of others (may 11, 2018)

Posted in Skate Journal on May 12th, 2018 by corpo

Went to Broomfield park right after work on a cloudy day with rain threatening. Rob and I arrived at basically the same time and begun the warm up process. I mostly didn’t do any tricks involving ollies, but Rob did a lot of ollies out of the gate. My knee was still hurting, more than I thought it would be. There was some weirdness going on with the people skating. Some younger high school kids that had their looks down, but could hardly skate. Some 20 year olds that didn’t look like they have skated much and would almost die often. One of which was beaming like no other. He was smiling though so it kind of made it less awkward. Nick was there ripping with a friend that was popping treflips and other flip trick so high he was catching them above the black box and kickflipped into the CO bank. Will Garson also showed which is always a treat. Such a nice dude and such a ripper. The nosebonk 180s over the tip of the CO bank were incredible as were the super fast fakie manuals and kickflips popped with so much style. Sean Flaherty also showed towards the end. Didn’t see him skate too much, but the way he skates with so much speed and precision is incredible to watch. I hadn’t done much all session. I got a fakie 50 where I came out switch on the blue ledge which felt neat. Several slappy crooks on the parking block that felt great. Near the end I was doing little scratch grinds on the steep bank then trying Texas Plants on the quartapotty. I got a few where I set the board in cheater style and maybe one at the end where I jumped on a little. It was fun. The big story was how hard Rob was ripping. Long lines. B/s flips, 360 shove, back 50s, back 50 back 180, halfcab back 50, fakie nosegrind, nose manuals and almost a front nosegrind to end it. All in all a fun day even though I was in too much pain to try flippers/ollies. It always rules seeing Rob rip so hard and it’s a treat that so many of the younger skaters are fun to skate with and nice dudes.

(setup 8.38 null atomic cowboy deck, venture black icon 5.8 trucks, bones medium bushings, 51mm bones stf v1 wheels, 3 washers outside each axle, es swift 1.5 grey shoes size 11.5 with spenco thinsole orthotic insoles)