skate journal: blue skies lunch break with dave and a new trick! (march 1, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 1st, 2019 by corpo

On a warm day in the upper 40s I met Dave at Blue Skies. It was Friday, but I was feeling more than just flatground. The stiff breeze contributed to the lack of wanting to just skate flat. I was there for a minute before Dave. Long enough to do a couple ollies and boardslides. Dave started kinda slow. He bailed his first fakie shove. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen him bail that before. I was trying a line of boardslide, 360 flip, front 50 the tiny ledge that for some reason scares the crap out of me. Only got one 360 flip, but I committed to most of them and that made me happy. For some random reason I rolled up to Dave and said “new trick Dave” and tried a varial heel revert. Instead I landed a heelflip backside body varial. It felt super awesome. It’s amazing how much satisfaction can come from a 1mph flip trick. Dave was going lines with boardside the end of the dragon rail, front board to fakie the main flatbar, fakie 360 shove on the bank. He got a couple of those I think. Oh and switch body varial hippy jumps over the flat bar to board stall pop over. There should be a better name for “switch body varial hippy jump”. Make up a name for it Dave. He also got a fakie flip on the bank and was going for f/s halfcab flip. I finally got a couple super slow front 50s on the stupid tiny ledge. Dave got them easy and with front 180 out up the kink . I tried a couple halfcab crooks, but didn’t really get in. Dave called out fakie nosegrind on the ends of the escalator ledges. Great idea. I needed motivation to try it so I lined it out. Noseslide to fakie on one of the taller ledges, fakie flip on flat, fakie nosegrind. Dave was lining to it as well. I had a good one, but bailed, a good slam, then finally got the line. It was a tiny jib, but still felt cool. Dave would get a few after I left to go back to work. Oh, I had switched bushings again. This time softer Venoms. They felt perfect.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, venom 88a bushings with no bottom washer, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 2/10)

skate journal: stubborn pushing around downtown in the cold (feb 27, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 1st, 2019 by corpo

On a cold night I went out because I don’t really know what else to do besides skate. I wasnt that motivated, but I had watched some of the Sour video hoping for inspiration. So I went out in hopes of skating some different and weird stuff. I started on a speedbump, but quickly left and ended up at the bank with the flatbar against the wall. I had forgotten all about it. I dorked around trying some lines and manuals. I had put Bones bushings in the other day and they felt fine on flat, but I hated them out and about. I kept at it though. I was getting into noseslides on the somewhat shorter section before a janitor came and parked and messed up the spot. So I did the end. Well, as you can see it wasn’t really much of a noseslide. I moved on and ended up at Wells Fargo. I took too long to do a rock shuffle to fakie around the hip. Then even longer to do the rock shuffle 270. It was fun to land it. My legs were cold and sore and I realized I wouldn’t be doing much of anything. I skated/walked around looking for inspiration, but never really found anything. I ended up at the poorly lit little ledge in the alley near St Julien. Forced myself to do a front 50 and bounced.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, bones medium bushings, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 5/10)

skate journal: dog park flatground (feb 26, 2019)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 1st, 2019 by corpo

Went to the dog park after work. It wasn’t so warm out and it took me awhile to start trying tricks. I’m writing this several days later so I don’t remember much. I didn’t have any major hangups on tricks I shouldn’t. Halfcab flips were good. Got a couple treflips, heelflips. Some tricks like fakie treflip felt totally out of reach. I got super close to switch flip. I did a couple stationary flips while holding onto the beams. It felt cool. Tried a few more of those half flip late heelflip tricks, but never got close. Went home after an hour or so.

(setup 8.38 null lazer deck, venture ftc 5.8s, bones medium bushings, bones stf v1 pj 53mm wheels with all washers on the outside, new balance numeric 379 tan size 12, stock insoles)
(pain level 5/10)