skate journal: indian peaks watching others rip (feb 15, 2020)

On a decent day Kevin and I rolled to Longmont to Indian Peaks on rumors it was mostly dry. And it was. We shoveled the hip part of it, but the main bank was mostly all anyone skated. I knew on my first push that my knees were totally done. I tried to power through it, but each push made my left (front) knee worse. Dave F, Kevin and I had been trying pop shoves to fakie. Dave did his right away. Kevin was struggling and Dave and I couldn’t believe it. I got one before Kevin and he was like “see I suck”. Ha. That might be the first time I’ve ever beat Kevin to a trick. The shove did feel good, but after that I tried a few kickflips then sat out the rest of the session after a boneless. Saul and Eric showed up. So rad. Street Saul had some nice bertleman slides, the handplant wallride thing was epic. I think he was 3/3. Eric went in on heelflips pretty quick although I’m not sure he got one, got back wallride, then got robbed on frontside wallride. Dave L showed up too. Man what a crew, I was so bummed to be hurting so badly. Dave F rattled off different shoves, the invert varial thing, back 360s, wallrides. Dude was shredding and looked so good. Kevin made most flip tricks look easy and did a really good wallride. Then got stuck on nollie tre for a long time, but man the one he got was so casual. Dave L managed to warm up quick and get some styley shoves and kickflips then close to inward heel. Then he did some quick feet action with kickflip and shove on the same wall!

(setup 8.25 null curby deck, venture 5.6 cast baseplate/v-hollow hanger, 52mm bones v5 99a stf, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 288 sport b/w size 11.5, stock insoles)
(pain level 9/10 – knees are toast. it’s the cupsole dilemna. they feel good for awhile then all of a sudden the pain is intolerable)