skate journal: transition day – sheepside and chucks (feb 28, 2020)

Posted in Favorite, Skate Journal on March 8th, 2020 by corpo

After some cool sight seeing we ended up at the gnarliest transition spot I’ve probably ever skated. Sheepside. We did a little sweeping, and started with the smallest kickturns every. What seemed impossible initially became obtainable. We had the place to ourselves which really helped. Paul joined us. Josh was the first to get the rock in roll in the window. He was doing some good lines and would get front rock too (video coming at some point). Neil was cruising fast. He had some really high carves on the big mellow wall and came close to front slash on one of the gnar walls. Nate was cruising too, it was rad. He was getting pretty high up the walls too. Paul had a nice ollie to fakie on his first run on the big mellow wall, he would later do a switch ollie to fakie too. I was in quite a bit of pain, but managed to have fun and get a rock ‘n roll that I had to push into. Nate and I started playing with the weird roll in and both did it. Then I took like 20 tries to drop into the roll in and lined it out with the rock ‘n roll. That was a highlight for me for sure. Nate and Paul would get the drop in too, in way less tries than me.

Then we went to Chuck’s (owner of 808). He had a backyard setup that rules. A bigger 5 foot quarterpipe without much deck then a 3-4 foot quarterpipe with a hip. The setup is on a hill so it makes for some crazy lines. Unfortunately Paul had to leave. Chuck wanted no photos/video taken and it kinda made it more fun anyway. It took awhile for us to get some lines. Well, not neil as he had been there before. He was somehow generating speed out of nothing. He had front lips over the hip, front tail, slashes on the 5′, nollie back Neil’s. It’s hard to remember as I’m writing this over a week later. Josh was quick on the proper 50s on the 5′. All the qps were noping and they felt rad to grind. Josh did back lip over the hip, back tail, back 50. A lot more I’m forgetting. He shredded that place. Chuck rules. He’s a super fun dude to skate with and the vibe was super rad the whole time. He had some sick moves like front truck grinds to fakie, crooks, amazing front 5-0s over the hip, halfcab boardslides the 5′, learned layback 5-0s. Awhile into the session he called out ‘someone has to do a non flatground flip trick before you leave’. Nate was the first to take him up on it after getting to close to front 5-0 over the hip. Nate would get a kickflip over the frontside hip. He actually got two of them. I had a ton of fun. I would get a little front feeble then front disaster over the hip in a line. The carve into the hip was so fun. I also got a front 50 over the hip. Josh and I battled the flip tricks for a long time and Chuck was in with us for awhile. Chuck was trying f/s over the hip like Nate, Josh was trying b/s over the hip, I was trying kickflip fakie over the hip. Josh was doing them like a vert skater. Popped up over the lip and sucked up all stylee. I was doing them way under the lip, but as Chuck said “they are in the grey so they count” (the flat was tan, the qps were grey). Josh and I battled for quite awhile, both getting incredibly close, but ultimately we gave up. My knees had both started acting up fierce. What a super fun session though. Actually the whole day was amazing. Thanks for setting it up Neil. Dream crews.

(setup 8.38 null curby deck, venture 5.8 cast baseplate with titanium hanger, 51mm bones stf v1 with all speed washers on the outside of the axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, adidas city cup burgundy/gum size 12, nike sb zoom air insoles)
(pain level 6/10 knee pain then 8/10 by the end)