skate journal: some slappies and stuff on lunch break (march 31, 2020)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 31st, 2020 by corpo

Feeling the best I have felt in over a week I went out on a 60 degree day and enjoyed the curbs with Dave for a short one. It was my first time outside in basically a week. Wowsers. It felt great and I felt pretty good on my skateboard. Dave was ripping. The front 50 ride on grinds 180 out are really cool, but no switch crook shove after this time. He has the best slappy noseslides (yes I know that’s not really a trick, but whatever, no ollie is involved). I messed around some. Had a fun line of fakie nosegrind then almost a switch front tail. I basically did a switch 90 and landed on all 4 wheels with about 1mm of nose on the curb. Totally counts. Dave did a ride on switch back 50 to switch back 180 out up one of the curb cuts. Totally bonkers! I tried some regular front tails, the crack was weirding me out. Ended with some basic slappies. Dave’s slappy crooks are incredible.

(setup 8.5 null collage, venture 5.8 cast baseplate with titanium hanger, 1/8″ riser, 54mm spitfire f4 99a green lance mount classics with all speed washers on the inside of the each axle, bones medium bushings, jessup ultra grip, new balance numeric 288S b/w size 12, no insoles at all)
(pain level 2/10 i guess not skating for a week has it’s benefits)

skate journal: a little couch skating (march 29, 2020)

Posted in Skate Journal on March 31st, 2020 by corpo

Feeling slightly better I couldn’t resist some messing around on the board. Took a few tries to get the feeling of jumping again. These both felt like halfcab nosestalls. The backside version was super fun. After these I tried front axle stalls for a bit and couldn’t get one. Without any speed to mask my terrible technique it really showed me how bad my frontside ollies have gotten. I was just kinda bashing in and not lifting up the back wheels at all and I realize I need ollie first before aiming the trucks. We’ll see if anything comes of it. I felt very winded after about 10 minutes total. Argh.