skate journal: dog park at night trying hard not landing much (oct 20, 2021)

On a nice night I went to the dog park for the first time at night in a long time.  The lights were way better than I remembered.  There was only a few people there, the dudes Denis and Paul who are fun to skate with and a beginner.  My new Satoris were already pretty flatspotted.  Argh.  Everything felt off initially and I had a pretty bad slam on a flatground pop shove.  I couldn’t land a kickflip either.  Not sure what’s up with that. At no point did I do anything great, but I did skate okay and do some basics I liked.  My board felt extremely slow and I pretty much hated the non F4/STF wheels.  I did one line that took way too long of switch front nose the metal bench then halfcab board the small flatbar.  Couldn’t get the heelflip after.  Had some okay crooks, front slappies, weak front tail attempts, slow front 50s, same old stuff.  Stoked on it being a good night spot.  Although the two loud dudes that showed up later were pretty annoying.

(setup 8.3 null spanbauer night skate, jessup ultra grip, venture 5.8 titaniums, venom 91a bushings no big washer, 51mm satori achtley wheeels washers on the outside, new balance numeric 288S grey size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 2/10)