skate journal: dog park sucking again (oct 21, 2021)

After dinner on a nice night I went to meet Rob at dog park.  There were a few bikers there making things a little weird.  I was warming up with some basics on the small part of the barrier when Rob left.  I kept at it not really skating well at all.  I had put cast baseplates on again thinking it would help ollies feel better, but really it didn’t.  I still couldn’t manual or nose manual the little pad or barely ollie onto the slightly larger pad.  Had an okay halfcab flip, but everything still required more effort than they should.  I switched from 288s to 212s at one point and skating felt less bad.  Also the bikers left which was nice.  Sawyer showed along with a couple other skaters that kept to themselves.  I did a lot of slappies since nothing else was working.  I eventually left since I had no desire to continue on sucking so bad.

(setup 8.3 null spanbauer night skate, jessup ultra grip, venture 5.8 cast baseplate titanium hanger, venom 91a bushings no big washer, 51mm satori achtley wheeels washers on the outside, new balance numeric 288S grey size 11.5 no insoles)
(pain level 3/10)