skate journal: dog park / valmont / jack’s spot (july 3, 2022)

Arrived to dog park around 10 to an old guy session that was popping off already. Love the old guy crew that’s been skating there and they brought the hype again. I was very sore, started very slow and didn’t do much other than some crooks and a couple slow kickflips. Neil was charging! Nose manuals, manuals, 50s, one foots, ollies over stuff. Rob too. Halfcab 50s, almost halfcab 50 body varial. There were a lot of others skating, it was rad. Mike, old Jack, Salty, lots of gray that were charging and I loved it. Jeff showed and immediately made tricks like nosegrind 180 look easy, switch crooks, etc.

Then we went over to Valmont where I proceeded to do nothing then went and sat with Neil and Rob. Sean, Bo and Hayden had shown up and it would soon be a fun demo to watch and get me off my butt to film. Hayden with the steez indy flyout, pole jam nose manual and insane gap to back tail. Jeff switch f/s flip, switch hardflip and front big heel the bigger hip. Cass bigspin, treflip, kickflip. Sean front 3 the hip.

Then we drove to Jack and Joe’s new bank to ledge spot and oh man what a treat. The crew was large as we gained Jack and Joe. Only one person can skate at once which got to Neil. But he still pieced together a rad nose manual then no comply line. Joe did at least 5 hardflip nose body varials and grunted in disapproval on every one of them. Cass with the sick front nose body varial. Jeff right away front crook to fakie, then front blunt pop out which was soooo amazing. I did a slappy crook jib, noseslide, switch nose jib and had a fun line of noseslide to fakie then halfcab flip on the opposing bank. Jack struck out on the tricks he was trying for, but still did a back 180 fakie crook 270 out. Sean shut the session down with fakie back tail kickflip out done so perfectly the crowd erupted. Heck of a crew.

(setup null 8.25 stumpy burnout, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.6 cast plate hollow hanger with royal bushings flat top washer, 51mm bones stf v2 103a, new balance numeric 272 burgundy size 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 4/10)