skate journal: triple nipple and parris with neil, rob, jeff, cass (july 2, 2022)

On a hot morning I picked up Neil! Was so hyped to see him, we did breakfast then connected with Rob and headed to Arvada. We had the park mostly to ourselves except for a few beginners for a while. Jeff and Cass showed and it was a really fun crew. Neil had a red eye flight and was still managing to skate pretty well even though it took a bit to ride over the spine ha ha. Rob had some good front board pop outs, front slashes, spine transfers, boardslides, backside ollies on nipples. Neil popped up the euro, up onto the ledge, noseslides, no comply 360, boardslides. I was feeling decent early on. Had a couple first try runs on film which never happens. Switch front nose, fakie flip, fakie board transfer. Crooks, spine transfer, front disaster. I couldn’t get the noseslide 270 shove, ollie onto the ledge or even a halfcab flip. Cass had a nice front noseslide shove and got a line with a nipple ollie, front 50 on the qp. Jeff switch manualled the box, nose manual 180, big nipple ollies, so much more.

After a rain and margarita delay we ended up at Parris’. Right away it was a fun session. The new pink curb was a good addition. Neil had that stoke going and was getting runs in right and left and it was good seeing him so hyped. The long back 50s around the pool coping corner were sick, ollies up/down/randomly, bean plants to gain control, front slash the rock coping every time. Rob was getting it too. Front slashes, high speed carves, pivots on the upper deck. Cass had some sketchy falls, front boards to fakie on the parking block. Jeff’s kickflip on the hip was so smooth, front 5-0 the parking block, much more. I didn’t skate great, but definitely had fun. Wish I could have gotten a more proper slappy crook, but the front tail stalls and back pivots on the upper deck were fun. Parris had some smooth lines grinding the curbs with easy. Local guy Kevin had the sugarcane out of nowhere. Overboard Kevin of course got the pivot to fakie. What a fun spot and session.

(setup null 8.25 stumpy burnout, jessup pj ultragrip, venture 5.2 low with royal bushings flat top washer, 51mm bones stf v2 103a, new balance numeric 272 burgundy size 11.5 half insoles)
(pain level 3/10)