skate journal: dog park again on a saturday (oct 29, 2022)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 29th, 2022 by corpo

On a nice bright Saturday I drove the shaking Honda wagon to the dog park. I knew Rob, Sean, Nick would be there. But was hyped on Jack B, Eric, Paul and others. I brought my smaller 8.1 setup and stuck with it after first try kickflip and fakie flip felt so good. I wouldn’t skate very well, but did get a noseslide 270 out that felt cool and almost front shove off the c pad. Nick had some nice manuals and poppy flippers. Sean battled back nosegrind to quick kickflip nose manual. So good. Eric always charges. He was over on the barrier for a while so I couldn’t see much, but still saw some heelflip, almost heelflip back 50, so close to crooks on the upper deck. Rob was killing it. Fakie nosegrind 180 on the curb, halfcab back 50s, back smiths and manual around the backside part of the C pad and then went on to get back 180 out. I was unhappy with how incredibly sore I got. But Nick and I closed out with a game of SKATE that involved a lot of misses, but was pretty fun. I was happy to get a first try backside flip and eventually get a fakie bigflip. Nick won on a fakie treflip.

(setup null all you need 8.1, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.6 v-hollow royal bushings no big washer flat top washer, 51mm bones pj ladd v1 103a, new balance numeric 440 blue size 12 half insole)
(pain level 5/10 ugh)

skate journal: at least i did a new trick, dog park (oct 28, 2022)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 29th, 2022 by corpo

Went to dog park after a super busy Friday. I met Sean, he was kind of lazy too. We both tried halfcab boardslide shoves (my latest challenge from Dave) on a parking block in lines. I was doing front 180 off a kicker first, he was doing front 5-0 180 the metal bench. Neither of us got it. I was completely hating my large setup and the effort it took to flip it. Oh yeah, we played a game of SKATE to begin things. I was at SKAT and he did halfcab flip so I tried on on my board and failed, then one on his board where I had no real intention of landing it. But I landed it. Madness in effect. Sean left. I basically just tried halfcab boardslide shove/body varial on the small pad for 30 minutes until I got one. The slam hurt way more than it should have, I blame the neck pain from the rain slam a few weeks back. Ugh. Landing the trick was super fun though.

(setup null 8.5 vhs, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium royal bushing no big washer flat little washer, spitfire 51mm 101a classic f4, new balance numeric 440 blue size 12 half insole)
(pain level 3/10 )

skate journal: dog park after work with rob and dan (oct 25, 2022)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 29th, 2022 by corpo

Got out of work at a decent time and met Rob at dog park and to our delight Dan was there. One of our favorites. He wasn’t there too long, but his last run had his enders in it, nose manual Janoski flip out, front blunt and maybe back nosegrind pop out. I don’t remember much about this session in particular because it’s been several days and I’ve been there twice since. I know Rob did something new, maybe it was manual around the C ledge backside. I skated decent, but don’t remember any highlights. I think maybe a front 50 180 out on the curb followed by switch noseslide 270 shove the bench and then fall down on the next ledge.

(setup null 8.5 vhs, jessup ultragrip, venture 5.8 titanium royal bushing no big washer flat little washer, spitfire 51mm 101a classic f4, new balance numeric 440 blue size 12 half insole)
(pain level 3/10 )