skate journal: crowded dog park with rob on a warm afternoon (oct 20, 2022)

Posted in Skate Journal on October 21st, 2022 by corpo

After work I met up with Rob at dog park. It was crowded, but not with a lot of total shredders. I found myself getting so annoyed at times as kids would not look ahead at all and just go and get in the way. I tried some kinda hard tricks for me at times, I just didn’t land them. Nosegrind 180 on the curb, ollie the broken cement wedges and slappy crook back 180 which I never pulled the trigger on although it did feel possible. Rob had a couple shove nosegrinds, halfcab back 50 back 180, manuals, nose manuals, was looking really good out there.

(setup null 8.5 vhs, jessup ultragrip, indy barbee 149s, spitfire f4 101a classic, new balance numeric 272 b/w size 11 custom halfish insole)
(pain level 3/10 – but oh man after skating in vulcs I was so sore the next day)

skate journal: premiere day broomfield session (oct 16, 2022)

Posted in setup change, Skate Journal on October 21st, 2022 by corpo

After a fun hike with the Nebraska crew I swapped vans at square house and met up with people at Broomfield park. I was not very focused and obviously distracted by the upcoming event. The only thing I remember doing was trying crooks and then treflips for a long time. Never got the treflip. Was trying 8.5 with Indy 149s and basically hated it. Played a game of SKATE with Cass where I didn’t land anything it seemed like, but still won with f/s halfcab heel. Rob was shredding, I saw a shove lipslide. Richard was there and did a super fast kick back nosegrind so perfectly. Sean was making everything look easy. Garrett, Joe, Hayden, Bo, everyone was skating good. Then it was time to bounce and pick up Jack and get the party started.

(setup null 8.5 vhs, jessup ultragrip, indy barbee 149s, spitfire f4 101a classic, new balance numeric 440 size 12 half insole)
(pain level 3/10)

skate journal: broomfield evening session with carleigh and more (oct 18, 2022)

Posted in New Deck, New Trucks, New Wheels, setup change, Skate Journal on October 21st, 2022 by corpo

Feeling pretty exhausted still but wanting to skate with Carleigh before she left Paul picked me up and we met up with Dave, Darin and others. I had a Christmas complete. My reward for finishing Something. It was an 8.5 with 51mm PJ wheels and hollow Ace 55s. I liked it, but I didn’t love it. Popping was hard. I got close to noseslide 270 shoves and did a sloppy fakie bigflip out of the bank, but other than that was pretty lackluster for me. Carleigh was lofting ollies into the bank and doing front and back disasters on the brick qp, boardslides, kickflips. Ripping. Paul is really good, was back 50’ing the black ledge before I had even pushed. He went on to do a lot more tricks like back 50 front 180, fakie tails both ways. Dave had some poppy nollies into the bank, nollie front 180s out of it, almost nose manual the black box, there’s a lot more, but I’m forgetting. Darin, Justin, Kyler, other Tuesday night locals were there charging it. Pretty fun session.

(setup 8.5 null vhs, jessup ultragrip, ace af1 55 hollows, 51mm pj bones stf 103a v1, new balance numeric 440 size 12 half insole)
(pain level 4/10 some good ol’ cupsole knee sharp pain)